Leader Ship Medical Students Questionnaire

Knowledge and skills of Leadership qualities and Breast Cancer awareness programs among Medical students in Pakistan. Circle the number that represents how strongly you feel about the statement by using the following scoring system:
5. Strongly agree.
4. Agree.
3. Neutral.
2. Disagree.
1. Strongly disagree.

Welcome to your leader ship medical Students Questionnaire

College/University Name

1. Pakistan has the highest Breast Cancer rate in Asia

2. Different studies show Breast Cancer kills nearly 40,000 women every year in Pakistan.

3. Breast Cancer is related to genetic, cultural, environment and lifestyle factors.

4. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma is seen in 80% cases of breast Cancer, and infiltrating lobar carcinoma is the second most common.

5. The alarming signs for Breast cancer are lump in Breast, skin irritation or dimpling, retraction and redness of nipple, discharge from nipple other than breast milk.

6. For men the life time risk of getting Breast Cancer is 1 in 1000.

7.  According to WHO incidence of Breast Cancer is increasing in Young Females.

8. Young Females are BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene positive in 5 to 10 percent of cases.

9. For early detection of Breast cancer all women between ages 40 to 44 should have the choice of undergoing Breast Screening with mammograms annually.

10. Women between ages 45 to 54 should have mammogram annually.

11. BRCA gene is tested in young females because Breast Cancer appear at early age in genetically positive patients.

12. Young females with family history of breast cancer should start doing Breast self- examination at the age of 20 years.

13. It is the responsibility of doctors and primary health providers to arrange Breast awareness programs.

14. In a Breast Cancer awareness seminar held in any college of this city medical students should participate.

15. In a Breast Cancer awareness program held in any rural area medical students should participate.

16. Proper medical knowledge and training is needed for participating in a Breast cancer awareness program

17. Medical students participating in health care program should have excellent communication skills, flexibility, and adaptability.

18. Good professional skills/ judgement and strong character is the core requirement for a medical student organizing a Breast Cancer awareness program.

19.Team work is essential for all the med-students to carry out a smooth and successful health awareness program.

20. Before deciding a place to organize a Breast Cancer awareness program women should be encouraged to participate in the program.

21. It is important for women to understand the importance of participating in a Breast awareness program

22. Mostly the women are shy and hide their problems related to Breast.

23. Female medical students can play an important role in convincing the women about the importance of disclosing their problems related to Breast.

24. Women who understand the benefits of early detection of Breast Cancer not only participate in Breast Cancer awareness program but also help other women to take part in the program.

25. The knowledge, skills and attitude of medical students regarding leadership and management is helpful in leading a health awareness program.

26. There is a growing acknowledgement that medical students need to develop leadership qualities in order to play their role actively in medical services.

27. The team leader of an awareness program should include one or two senior members in making final decision.

28. In an awareness program all team members should be good in motivating a patient for routine screening.

29. A team leader should be flexible about making changes in program.

30. Organizer of a program should be effective at obtaining resources to support the program.

"Questionnaire by Dr. Nasira Tajamal"